Patient Information

About our Practices
Our practices are all fully computerised, with a computer based practice system, electronic recalls and online bookings. We offer a wide range of services at each practice, and a number of allied health providers help to ensure comprehensive services are available. Services do vary from practice to practice. For that reason, we ask that you check the practice profile page or call the relevant practice to confirm service availability. Patient information flyers are also available in each practice.
Staff Education
Our staff and the independent medical practitioners are all dedicated to the highest standard of professional care. Every receptionist has received training in CPR and is ready to respond to emergencies. Additionally, each of our nurses and the independent doctors regularly participate in continued education. This allows them to provide the latest medical information, and best practice medical services. A quality improvement system is also in place to help ensure we meet our patients needs.
All practices have a strict ‘No Smoking Policy.
A standard appointment is 10 minuets long. However, longer appointments are available if you feel you will require more time. To book these longer appointments please call your nearest Family Practice Medical Centre. Long appointments cannot be booked online. By booking an appropriate amount of time for your appointment, you can help us minimise waiting times. An interpreter service can be arrange for you, or a family member, if required. Simply notify us of this requirement when making an appointment.
Please Note:
A $60 no-show fee applies if you do not attend a booked appointment. You can avoid this fee by cancelling if you cannot attend. As our practices are quite busy, many patients have to wait for appointments to become available. If you notify us and cancel appointments when you cannot attend, then we can offer the time to another patient. Visit the practice locations pages for individual practice contact details. *cancelling and rescheduling appointments does not incur a fee.Emergencies will be given priority
Phone Calls to Doctors
Doctors cannot take patient phone calls during consultations. However, they may be able to phone you back at a later time if requested to do so. Should you wish to discuss things in depth with your doctor, we ask that you make an appointment to allow appropriate time for your concerns.
As a result of the Privacy Act, our reception and nursing staff are unable to provide patients with results or other patient information over the phone. To receive results for tests and imaging, you will need to make a follow-up appointment with your medical practitioner. This can be face-to-face or by phone consult if you have seen the practitioner before.
Appointments for repeat prescriptions should be made before the medications have run out. In most cases a prescription can only be provided following a consultation with the doctor. In certain instances your doctor may agree to provide a prescription for select, regularly taken medications without a consultation. However, terms and conditions do apply to this “pick-up” prescription service, including:
- A non-refundable gap fee of $10.00
- The patient needs to have been recently reviewed (within the last three months)
- The patient cannot be a new patient
- Only a patient’s regular doctor can provide this service
The Family Practice Medical Centres use an electronic recall system. This system recalls patients for general follow-ups, immunisations, and results that need to be discussed. It does not recall patients for all results; only those that require clinical discussion. We encourage patients to take responsibility for their own health by making an appointment if there is something they wish to discuss, whether or not they have been recalled.
We use 3 different forms to send recall messages; SMS message, postal letter, or by phone call. The method may depend on the availability or accuracy of patient contact information.
In the event of a highly urgent recall, we will always phone a patient to ensure the message is received.
We send reminder SMS messages to patients for procedural, allied health or nurse appointments 48 hours prior to the appointment.
Medical Certificates
We do not issue medical certificates over the phone. Should you require a medical certificate for an employer or benefits agency you will need to make an appointment. The only exception is if we have received a hospital discharge summary clearly identifying the patient is unable to leave home. We cannot backdate medical certificates for any reason.
The Family Practice Medical Centres are mixed billing practices, so fees will apply for some patients. The billing policies do vary from doctor to doctor, as practitioners determine their own policies. Please refer to the practice profile pages for billing information and read the online booking notices carefully. You may enquire with our practice reception for more information and specific fee schedules.
Bulk Billing and Medicare Rebates
You require a valid Medicare card to access bulk billed services or a rebate on Medicare eligible items. Medicare eligibility criteria apply If you do not have a Medicare card then you will be charged the full fees. You can request a copy of the fees from reception at your nearest Family Practice Medical Centre.
Some immunisations, procedures and occupational medicals can not be bulk billed at any of our practices. We will notify you of any fees prior to providing those services. If you have any questions please contact one of our practices.
Home Visits
Home visits can be arranged for our regular patients. Should you require this service, please contact the Practice during daytime hours. This service is not eligible for bulk-billing, and a private fee will be charged at the time of the visit.
After Hours
Patients can call our medical centre phone numbers after-hours to receive the contact details of the on-call doctor. This service is not eligible for bulk billing or a rebate. A Gap payment of $120.00 is required at the time of the visit.
Referrals to see a specialist or undertake medical testing can now be provided over the phone thanks to new telehealth services. You will need to make an appointment with a doctor in order to receive a referral. Phone consults are subject to unique Medicare eligibility criteria. You may not be eligible for bulk billing or a rebate if you have not visited the practice in the previous 12 months.
We are legally prevented from backdating referrals.
From time to time our practice may invite you to complete a questionnaire. These surveys are completely confidential and will help us to implement changes at our services.
To provide feedback at other times, we invite patients to call us, email our practice managers or submit a written letter. If the care you received at our practice did not meet your expectations, please inform us immediately. We cannot make changes or improvements unless we know there is a problem.
Should you wish to submit a serious complaint, please view the complaints tab.
Privacy, confidentiality and data security are important to us. Our privacy policy outlines in detail the steps we take to ensure your privacy.
If you have a complaint, we would like to hear about it. It is the best way for us to continue to improve our services. Please feel free to discuss your complaint with your doctor or the practice manager at your practice. Alternatively, you may prefer to write to us or email our director Dr. David McDougall via [email protected]. We take all complaints seriously. We will do everything we can to investigate, mediate, and resolve any issues that are brought to our attention.
If there is a problem you feel unable to approach us about, you may prefer to contact the Health Quality and Complaints Commission on the below address.
Office of the Health Ombudsman
GPO Box 13281
George St Brisbane Qld 4001
Phone: 133 646