book doctors appointments online with the Family Practice App

Mobile Booking App

Family Practice App

Book your doctors appointments on the go, whenever and wherever suits you. With real-time availability and immediate booking confirmation you can secure your appointments online while skipping the on-hold music.
*Free to download and use. Data usage charges and services fees may apply. Learn more.

Doctors appointments made easy

App Description
The Family Practice booking app offers a convenient solution for managing your doctor appointments. Now, you can effortlessly schedule, cancel, or reschedule appointments for yourself and your loved ones, anytime, day or night. Say goodbye to waiting on hold or dealing with busy call periods. With our user-friendly app, you can easily secure, access and manage your appointments, saving you valuable time. Our app also includes helpful features that provide greater visibility, ensuring you stay organized and in control of your medical appointments with booking history and appointment notifications.

Download the app on your device from the App Store or Google Play to get started.


Book anytime of the day or night 24/7.

See real-time appointment availability.

View Practitioner profiles and interests.

Favourite your clinic and doctor for faster bookings.

Never miss a visit with “Add to Calendar” and push notifications.

Easily cancel and reschedule appointments online when you can no longer attend.


The Family Practice app is Free to download and use. However, practice fees for services or online transaction fees may apply. Optional in-app purchases may be offered by select practices for online services, such as online prescription requests.

*Mobile data charges may apply.
**For practice fees please read the clinic billing policy or contact the practice directly. Non-attendance and cancellation policies apply to all appointments booked. Please ensure you cancel any appointments you are unable to attend.

Terms of Use

The Family Practice booking app is powered by HotDoc. Therefore, a HotDoc user account is required to make bookings on our app. For information relating to HotDoc’s terms of use and privacy policy please visit the HotDoc website.

Practice Policies

Appointments made on the booking app are subject to the same cancellation and non-attendance policies as appointments made directly with the practice. To avoid any fees associated with late cancellations or non-attendance, please cancel or reschedule any appointments you can no longer attend.

Service fee policies, also referred to as billing policies, vary between medical centres and practitioners. Please read the online booking notices carefully before proceeding with a booking for information or reach out to your preferred practice for a quote. Agreeing to the booking notices will be considered your acceptance of the terms listed.

mobile user booking doctors appointment at home
See Real-Time Availability

View all of the appointment times available for your preferred GP, to find the right time for you.

Secure your appointments

Don’t wait for the clinic to open. Lock-in your appointments out-of-practice hours 24/7.

Push Reminders

Never miss an appointment with “Add to calendar” and mobile push notifications available.

Quality care is just a click away.
Find your nearest Family Practice Medical Centre today.